Company Incorporation Questionnaire

A. General Company Information
Is this an LLC or a Corporation? *
Your preferred company name, in order of preference? *
Pick 3 Names - Put in order of Preference
Company Address *
Is the address of the Principle Executive Office the same as the Company Address above? *
If NO, what is address of the Priciple
Executive Office? *
Email Address *
Business Phone Number *
Business Fax Number
Principle Business Activity *
If manufacturing, then state
To whom will most of the company's products or services be sold: *
Date business will start activities *
Will there be wages? *
If YES,First date wages or annuities will be paid *
Number of employees expected in the next twelve months:
Closing month of accounting year *
Will the Company be a single member LLC or will it consist of two or more members? *
Will it multi members operate as a partnership (for tax purposes) or as a corporation *
Did the Company operate as a previous
entity ? *
(i.e. a Sole Proprietorship, partnership or a corporation prior to organizing as an LLC)
Name of Organizer ? *
Is Name Initial agent for service of process in California same as Organizer above? *
If No, what is the name of initial agent *
To obtain an Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), please list the name and title of the Member or Manager of the Company and his/her Social Security Number.
If the acting Manager is a corporation, please list the corporation's FEIN instead. *
Member 1
B. LLC Operating Agreement
If you intend to have officers of the Company, please list the names and business or residence addresses of each officer: *
May be one person for all three positions
Name of President same as Member 1 above? *
  • If NO, what is the Name of the President?
Name of Chief Financial Officer same as Member 1 above? *
  • If NO, what is the Name of the Chief Financial Officer?
Name of Secretary same as Member 1 above? *
  • If NO, what is the Name of the Secretary?
C. Ownership Interest
Do you plan on issuing evidence of membership interest in the Company ? *
(i.e. membership certificates)
D. Foreign Qualifications
Do you have states other than California in which the Company will have employees or in which the Company will have an office? *